Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mike's success story that led to Creation of iPhoneDevsecrets course

The success story of Mike that led to Creation of iPhoneDevsecrets course. Be Successful and learn iPhoneDevsecrets course

It all started with the dream and great desire of creating a game. Since childhood Mike is always dreaming making it big. To think of his creation of a game over and over, again and again resulted in sleepless nights, imagining the characters, levels, gameplays, tricks, etc.

With all hard work he achieved making his dream into a reality.

the video shows proofs.

Testimony And Video 2. "Testimony And Video 2."

With hard work, YOU CAN ALSO achieve making dreams into a reality. And start multi-dollar earnings with the help of the iPhoneDevSecrets course.
You can find Mike's story impressive. Definitely it is!
Mike is raking in money, with a certain fact that it is not always with big volume of cash because six months ago he was struggling. With no programming skills, with no team and no money. The only thing he have is a great desire creating the game of his dreams.

Honestly, only a big fan of the iPhone, and he did not even consider ideas of creating games for anything else but the iPhone and/or iPad. missin ghte main thing -No team and No programming skills. Worse, did not even obtained technical education. All reading more blogs and reports about the Gold Rush in the Apps Store where small guys like you and me achieved success by simply creating great applications and/or games.

The guys at the Top Applications past of the App Store are selling over 35, 000 copies each day.
This is driving inspiration for Mike. If each app you sell values $0.99 and get $0.70 from it all after all commissions cuts made by apple you are left a pure profit of $ 24,500 USD a day... You cannot live with that but that is a good start, isn't it? Not living in the illusion, getting on the top with the first app, Mike is the kind of guy who always wants reaching the stars.
The next target is getting into Top100 Apps.
What he did? He decided to take really seriously the feat.
First, bought all the books available in local Barnes&Noble store and on Amazon. Everything from iPhone development for dummies to the advanced experts stuff, but it took three (3) months reading alone all the books... Trying to all implement the knowledge was totally disappointing because most of the bought books are outdated, completely outdated. it has to do with the book publication process, writing, editing, and printing. Printing office keeps delaying again and again. Things changes so fast and printed books can't even catch up. Samples were outdated and never worked.

Mike's first game was supposed to be the simple "Hidden object" game (a game where ou tap the screen to find hidden objects). Mike, Author of iPhoneDevSecrets, found the games are popular among people and figured out it is pretty easy to make. Made simply by making several images properly cut in layers and little bit of coding. getting a developer account with Apple was easy, went ahead and opened, and started development. The Author, at his time of creation/development of his first game, spent 3 times longer than average. About 2 months in sleepless nights and the game was finally ready. The approval process took a week. Finally approved and the sale started. Mike went to bed dreaming about loads of cash rushing in his pockets.
He never imagined what happened. Failed miserably. the first day he checked sales -16 copies sold. Total net profit of $ 9 ... Next day, 11 copies, After 2 weeks got net profit of 50 bucks. Mike said, " Sounds like now I have enough money to invite my girlfriend to McDonalds, right... what an epic failure."

The major reason for the failure - "Creating a great app or game is part of the story. The most important part is how to sell it successfully and get on top of apps store sales."
That's how the top developers keep information from small guys like you and me so they can rake in money, while we can't even sell 10 copies. There is a list of elite developers who get fast approvals, premium placing in "What we are playing" and other top ratings and benefits...

Ways for a app/game developer to achieve success.
Like Tony Robbins once said "Become the best by modeling the best."
Find out what best developers do and mimic their techniques, use their secrets and tricks and you will become successful. Never try to re-invent the wheel. Use what is already working. Mike told, "Once I started implementing these ideas my sales started to go up and up. Literally, through the roof. But after all that, I still realize that I owe my success to the few generous people among the top developers who decided not to ignore me and help me out by sharing their valuable knowledge with me. With it, nothing could be possible." The author of iPhoneDevSecrets course is eager to help developers, "That's why I decided to gather all my knowledge and resources and put up a comprehensive course on iPhone and iPad development secrets. My main goal was to make a full multimedia course that I can easily update in a monthly basis instead of writing boring printed books that will become outdated even before it comes on the shelf."

What does it all mean? It means that you won't have to spend 12 months and tens of thousands of dollars figuring this out like Mike did. More Importantly, "You can start creating your own app or game today and making money with it tomorrow." iPhoneDevSecrets courses is all about creating apps or games and be successful at the app store.